One Year Strong! Celebrating Faith, Testimonies, and Our Chain Breaker Community

Hey Chain Breakers!

Can y’all believe that we’ve been locked in for a whole year?! 🤯

That’s right, July marks an entire year of the Blog and me sharing my testimony and all the ways that God has been revealing more of Himself to me through not only my career, but life as a whole.

It has been my honor to serve you in this way and I am so grateful to have each of you on this journey with me as a fellow Chain Breaker. 

I remember when I began this journey.

I knew that this was something I was supposed to do, but truthfully, I was so filled with fear.

“Nobody wants to hear your story.”

“Who cares what you have to say.”

“There is nothing special about anything you’ve been through.”

These are just a few thoughts that gripped me when I started moving forward with making the Blog a reality.

The morning of the photoshoot for the Blog, I promise y’all I was in my mind trying to figure out a good reason to cancel! I did my own makeup and my mind told me that I looked so stupid, that my outfits were stupid, that I should’ve gotten my hair a different way.

I questioned every single decision I made regarding the Blog and couldn’t shake loud thoughts that I was wasting my time and money.

I mean, a full blown attack!


Despite the attacks, I prayed and fought, casting down every evil thought.

I am forever grateful that I kept going through the doubts and the fears.

Thank you all for receiving me. For being a journal of sorts. A safe space.

Thank you for sharing your hearts and your testimonies in return.

Thank you for respecting the Spirit led nature of these blog posts and for showing up every single time I post to uplift and encourage.

The Chain Breakers are really those family members who can go months without talking, but never cease praying for one another. And every time we get together the love is even stronger than before! 

Thank you to every Chain Breaker who has taken a moment of their life to DM me, encourage me, comment on a post or say a prayer. 

You are so deeply appreciated.   

Writing and sharing in this community has been healing in ways I wasn’t aware I needed.

I pray that you all have been as blessed through this community as I have.

To celebrate our 1-year anniversary together, I would like to send one blessed Chain Breaker a gift basket filled with goodies and resources for your journey from yours truly. 

To enter for a chance to win the gift basket, all you have to do is be a Chain Breaker!

How will I know you’re a Chain Breaker you ask?

It’s simple!

All you have to do is:

1.    Subscribe to the blog.

2.    Follow me on IG.

3.    Comment “Done” on this blog with your IG handle.

Dassit! I will choose a winner on August 1st, so you must be entered by July 31st, for consideration.

Y’all, this has truly been a remarkable journey and I am beyond excited to see all the ways that God will use us going forward!




Surrendering Well


From Loss to Gain: Finding Peace By Embracing Jesus As My Friend